Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Everything was just like a normal day for me and My Baby. I was split shif today and She was morning shif from 7am - 6pm . My Baby told me that She was told to see the operation manager after she finish work later. We could guess that it was probably about her contract will be extended 1 more year as the operation manager told us before that My Baby will be extended 1 year more.

But later on at 6pm, My Baby told me a really bad news. Before She tell me, she ask me dont cry. I was like OH MY GOD! I can guess whats happening. The operation manager told Her that she wont be extended 1 more year as they need someone who can work 2 years. I was like WHAT THE FUKC? ( Hum kar leng ) before that the operation manager told me and My Baby that She will be extended and now cannot. What!

For what's on my mind now, the operation manager must be behind all this . At first the operation manager offer Her 2 years contract - take it or leave it . Ok..My Baby cant because She need to continue her study. After that, one of the person from HR ask My Baby why she dont want to be extended and My baby told that person that 2 years its too long for her as She needs to continue her study . But that person said that it was only 1 year and not 2 years . Oh Owww - Get it my dear blog viewers? Someone is trying to make funny here . So, that person from HR went and talk to the operation manager . Dont know what happen and what they were talking about but after that My Baby was extended 1 year more . I was so happy to hear that .

But now? The operation manager say cant again . Me , ADRIAN , need the FUCKING TRUTH FROM YOU OPERATION MANAGER!! I JUST WANNA KNOW WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? YOU KEEP CHANGING THINGS . Me and My Baby decided that She wont take and of the operation manager's offer anymore even if the operation manager offers again. Am i right my friends and viewers?